Bio multifunction derma roller

Needle range and specification
1. 0.2mm Suitable for sensitive skin types and general skin care
Role:General skin care.Nourishment.Lightening dark patches
2. 0.5mm Suitable for regular application and gereral nourishment treatments.
Role:General skin care.Nourishment.Lightening dark patches.anti fine lines.lifting.fliming.acne and blemish control
3. 1.0,1.5mm Suitable for unhealthy skin and clinical treatments.
Role:anti wrinkles.stretch tattoos.reducing scars.cellulite treatments.reduce visible afer effects of blemish and acne outburst
4. 2.0mm Suitable for clinical treatments and severely damaged skin surface
Role:anti wrinkles.stretch tattoos.reducing scars.cellulite treatments.reduce visible afer effects of blemish and acne outburst